Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Statement for Kong Dog

At Kong Dog, we are committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to all users, including individuals with disabilities. To help meet this goal, we have integrated a third-party plugin UserWay Website Accessibility. This plugin enhances accessibility, particularly for users with specific disabilities.

Accessibility Features

By clicking on the icon of the accessibility widget, the accessibility menu will open. Please allow a moment for the menu to load fully, after which you can utilize a variety of accessibility features designed to improve the browsing experience.

Need Assistance?

Although we strive to make Kong Dog as accessible as possible our pages may not always meet the requirements of online validation tools. If you experience any difficulty accessing any part of our website, even after using the available accessibility features or third-party/browser tools, we are happy to invite you to contact us for further assistance.

Kong Dog is dedicated to providing an accessible online experience and will continue to improve the accessibility of our website.